
Learning Danish from French


Judith Aït Youssef coming from Brie-Comte-Robert visited us in the third week of April and had lessons in Danish from French every morning. If you read the “Témoignage d’une étudiante française” , you will understand [...]

Témoignage d’une étudiante française


Jeg hedder Judith Aït Youssef, jeg er franskmand. Jeg lærer dansk med en meget godt lærer som hedder Finn Steffens. Je vais continuer cet écrit en français. Depuis plusieurs années, je m’intéresse au Danemark. J’ai [...]

  • Ethel Maria Lung

Business tysk


Det tyske marked har altid været stort og betydningsfuldt for danske virksomheder. Da vi har oplevet en stigende interesse for undervisning i tysk sprog og forretningskultur, vil vi gerne gøre noget for det. I vores [...]

Online teaching


 We offer online teaching of English, Danish, French, German, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, and any other language. Please tell us which language you would like to improve.

  • Photo by Saj Shafique on Unsplash

Event – Danish for Diplomats


Danish for Diplomats – On the 13th September from 5 to 7 p.m., we invite diplomats from embassies and international organizations in Copenhagen to come to our offices at Amalievej 20 in Frederiksberg for an informal [...]

20 years of AIS Sprog


Finn Steffens celebrated his 20 years anniversary as the owner and manager of AIS Sprog on the 29th April 2022 with a reception at his offices at Amalievej 20 in Frederiksberg.

For more  information

Call us on 61 40 67 03 or use our contact form.